Soybean residual herbicide decision publication now available

Travis Legleiter

The successful control of waterhemp and Palmer amaranth in soybean has consistently come back to the use of a residual herbicide at soybean planting. Furthermore, the University of Kentucky along with numerous other academic institutions have shown that residual herbicides with multiple effective sites of action provide the most consistent control of waterhemp and Palmer amaranth.

While the concept of using a multi-site of action residual sounds easy enough, the decision of which residual herbicide to use can be overwhelming when looking at the laundry list of options now available. To assist farmers and crop consultants in making a final decision on which residual herbicide to use, the University of Kentucky has produced the “Multi-SOA Pre-emergence Herbicides for Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp Control” publication.

This publication features a table that includes the majority* of pre-mixed residual herbicide available on the market that contain at least two or three effective sites of action for control of Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. The goal of this publication is to enable famers and consultants to compare pre-mix products and see what they are getting in each pre-mix at differing rates.

The publication is available at: or contact your local extension agent for potential access for hard copies of the publication.

* Fortunately for famers there are new multi-SOA products continually coming onto the market, but unfortunately that means this publication does not always contain a complete list of products currently available. The publication will be updated annually with new products that have been released since the last revision of the publication.

SoybeanJennifer Elwell