Corn Management Resources
Corn (Zea mays L.) grown in Kentucky is used for livestock feed (50 percent), food, distilled spirits, and fuel ethanol. Corn is grown in every county in Kentucky, with a major portion of the acreage in Western Kentucky. A small percentage of corn is grown for silage.
Commodity corn production
A Comprehensive Guide to Corn Management in Kentucky, ID-139
Corn Growth Stages and Growing Degree Days: A Quick Reference Guide, AG-202
King Corn (Purdue)
Chat n Chew Cafe (Purdue)
White and Food Grade Corn
Organic Corn Production
Grazing Corn: An Option for Extending the Grazing Season in Kentucky, PD-152
Using Drought-Stress Corn: Harvesting, Storage, Feeding, Pricing and Marketing, ID-86
Corn Growth Stages and Growing Degree Days: A Quick Reference Guide, AG-202
Popcorn Production
Popcorn Budget Sheet (Ohio State University)
The links below are to universities with years of experience with irrigation:
Nebraska: Ag Irrigation Page - University of Nebraska
Georgia: University of Georgia Irrigation Resources
Missouri: University of Missouri Irrigation Resources
Damage Assessment
Diseases & Mycotoxins
Fungicide Efficacy for Control of Corn Diseases PPA-49
Assessing Foliar Diseases of Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat —Principles and Practices PPFS-MISC-0
Diseases of Concern in Continuous Corn PPFS-AG-C-01
Foliar Fungicide Use in Corn and Soybeans PPFS-GEN-12
Seed and Seedling Diseases of Corn PPFS-AG-C-02
Stewart's Wilt of Corn (1.4 MB) PPFS-AG-C-04
Aflatoxin in Corn ID-59
Mycotoxin test kits: USDA-approved, performance-verified Rapid Test Kits for Analysis of Mycotoxins (USDA-GIPSA document) pdf
Identifying Corn Ear Diseases (Iowa State website)
Pesticide Labels, find the most recent pesticide label
Visit the UK Plant Pathology Publications Website
Kentucky Pest News
Insect Pests
ID and Scouting
Insecticide Recommendations
Bt Corn
Stored Grain Insects
Harvest, Storage & Handling
Grain Storage Website (UK Biosystems and Ag Engineering)
Grain and Energy Calculators (BAE)
Trends in the Stored Grain Management - Summer 2019