Varietal Differences in Freeze Damage

The wheat varieties we grow in KY will respond differently to the extremely low temperatures we have experienced over the past few days. Several traits come into play but the most important thing for the grower to consider at this point is growth habit, which can range from completely prostrate to very upright.

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The University of Kentucky Wheat Science Group will hold a Wheat Field School – EMERGENCY
WHEAT FREEZE EVENT at the UKREC in Princeton KY. This free program consist of a series of short information sessions as well as a hands-on training to assess wheat damage in the field. UK specialists suggest that participants attending the meeting in Princeton bring whole plant wheat samples from their farm to assess and compare to non-damaged wheat.

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Freezing Temperatures Overnight May Damage Winter Wheat at Advanced Growth Stages in KY

Last night temperatures dipped to or below 24°F for several hours at many locations throughout Kentucky (Table 1). For winter wheat that has reached the jointing (Feekes 6) growth stage, damage (Figure 1) can occur to the developing wheat head, which is above the soil surface at jointing, when temperatures are 24°F or below for at least 2 hours. 

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Wheat: Earlier Aphid Occurrences May Be a Consequence of the 2017’s Warm Winter

n Kentucky there is a complex of aphid species that feeds on wheat. The bird cherry oat, the English
grain (Fig.1), the greenbug, and the corn aphids are the most important species. Their role as vectors of plant viruses, particularly Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV), branded them as the key pest on
wheat grain production. These aphid species overwinter as nymphs, and can be active when temperatures are above 45⁰ F. It is known that BYDV infections are more damaging when they occur in early growth stages of the wheat plant. Thus, aphids have more opportunities to infect young plants under this climatological circumstances. 

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WheatJennifer Elwellvirus
Poultry Litter Forum in Owensboro

For those that were not able to join us for the poultry litter forum "Managing Poultry Litter Lessons From The Delmarva and Ohio Valley", it can be viewed at the link below. This was part of the AgExpo in Owensboro on January 25th, 2017 and was sponsored by the Kentucky Soybean Board and Kentucky Corn Growers Association. 

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Events, SoilJennifer Elwell