Calcium or Lime? Which Raises Soil pH? A Follow-up

Soil acidity is neutralized by the consumption of protons, not the addition of calcium. The results of this study support the chemistry in Equations 1 and 2. Liming acid soils should be based on products that contain carbonates, oxides or hydroxides, the associated RNV, and using an application rate based on soil pH and buffer pH - NOT the amount or form of calcium present in a product.

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SoilJennifer Elwell
UK to host Crop Pest Management webinar series

Beginning Nov. 8, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment will host a series of five webinars covering field crop protection. Hosted through the Southern Integrated Pest Management Center, the webinars will feature UK extension specialists discussing weed science, plant pathology and entomology.

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EventsJennifer Elwell
“Dusting In” Wheat in Drought Conditions

Under “normal” conditions, most Kentucky wheat producers have already begun to plant. However, much of Kentucky is classified as abnormally dry with far western Kentucky in a moderate to severe drought which can make planting difficult (Figure 1). Fortunately, wheat producers have a few options.

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WheatJennifer Elwell
Cover Crop Establishment

This dry fall weather may be great for harvesting, but it’s not ideal for establishing cover crops. Just like any other crop, cover crop seed needs moisture to establish and that is certainly in short supply this fall.

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SoilJennifer Elwell
Considerations for Kentucky Wheat Planting

As September ends and October begins, wheat planting will begin across Kentucky. Producers have already made several agronomic decisions such as variety selection, tillage practices and herbicide selection, it is always beneficial to go back and look at the fundamentals of planting.

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WheatJennifer Elwell
Tar Spot on Corn Confirmed In 2022

Tar spot on corn was confirmed by the University of Kentucky Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (PDDL) from samples collected in Lincoln County. This is our first confirmation of tar spot for 2022, after finding it in Ohio and Todd counties in 2021.

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CornJennifer Elwell