Temperatures Greater than 45⁰ F may Lead to Early Insecticide Spray but First Scout Fields for Aphids Thresholds

Several aphid species are key pests in small grains (wheat, barley, and cereal rye) in Kentucky for their role as vectors of the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). Among them, the Bird cherry-oat and English grain aphids overwinter as nymphs or adults, and they can start feeding and potentially transmit viruses when temperatures are above 45º F.

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Guest User
How Many Grain Loads to Core a Bin?

Broken grain and trash/foreign material tend to accumulate in the center of grain bins during filling. Air will not pass through this area very well, so the best management practice is to remove this material from the bin (often referred to as ‘corning’) and either store it separately or feed or sell it quickly to avoid potential problems during storage.

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WheatGuest User
The Face of Agriculture in 2050

Droughts, deluges, and high temperatures are harbingers of a changing climate. Agricultural systems must change, perhaps radically, to counter climate change and continue feeding the world. What systems will produce our food in 2050?

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Guest User
Soil Health, Erosion and Fall Field Management

Fall harvest has begun, and this is a good time to look ahead and plan for better soil health. Soil health has several important aspects, but first and foremost is soil erosion prevention. Soil loss equals topsoil loss, and topsoil is where the largest portion of soil and plant biology occurs.

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SoilGuest User