Sugarcane Aphid Update

Although the sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) was not a serious problem in Texas, Kansas, or other states in 2017; its occurrence in Kentucky appears to be problematic due to the high numbers being observed in sweet and forage sorghum in Fayette, Logan, Lyon, and Caldwell counties during the last part of July and August in 2017. 

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SorghumJennifer Elwell
When genetic engineering is the environmentally friendly choice

It often surprises people to learn that GE commonly causes less disruption to plants than conventional techniques of breeding. But equally profound is the realization that the latest GE techniques, coupled with a rapidly expanding ability to analyze massive amounts of genetic material, allow us to make super-modest changes in crop plant genes that will enable farmers to produce more food with fewer adverse environmental impacts.

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Jennifer Elwell
UK Grain and Forage Center of Excellence Moving Forward

Plans to construct the Grain and Forage Center of Excellence are full steam ahead a year after the University of Kentucky received a $15 million grant from the Kentucky Agriculture Development Board and land purchase assistance from KyCorn. The university will lease the 294 acres of highly-productive land adjacent to the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton from KyCorn to conduct large-scale field trials. 

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Jennifer Elwell