This workshop is sponsored by Kentucky Farm Bureau
8:30 am - Registration
9:00 am - Corn and Soybean Water Demands in Kentucky and the need for Irrigation - Chad Lee, University of Kentucky
9:30 am - A Summary of Center-Pivot Irrigation in Western Kentucky and the Underlying Variables - Glynn Beck, Kentucky Geological Survey & Brad Lee, University of Kentucky (research funded by the Kentucky Geological Survey University of Kentucky)
10:30 am - BREAK, coffee and donuts
10:45 am - First On-Farm Results on Irrigation – Soil Spatial Variability and Its Implications for Variable-Rate Irrigation - Ole Wendroth, University of Kentucky (Research funded in part by the Ky Corn Growers, Ky Soybean Board and Ky Small Grain Growers)
11:30 am - Testing Irrigation Schedules in Wet Summers - Carrie Knott, University of Kentucky (research funded in part by the Ky Corn Growers)
Noon - Lunch – Sponsored by Kentucky Farm Bureau
Please email Colette Laurent ( to register.